Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Almost Home

As I think about the last four weeks I am fortunate for the memories I have made, the people I have met, and the experiences I have been able to have.  I am truly sad to to be leaving the team that I have a just started getting to know.  As I look back and read my own blog I think of everything that I have not written about my experiences.  So much of the hotel, and the people I have met.  Somethings, I guess, have to be for just me.   I didn't write about my bad hair cut and color, about bartering for a watch and having it ripped out of my had with a woman yelling "Well then buy the Original," or of the people who took my picture, the women who glared at me for no reason.  I didn't write about the day I felt like I was in another world completely.  As I leave this place in mere hours I am reminded that home is a half  world away - not the place where your bed is.  I am excited to go home.  My only fear in leaving is that I will leave behind the me that I have found here.  The me that is unafraid, brave, talented, creative, passionate.  I saw it here.  I held it.  I made peace with what I am good at and what I am not.  I made peace with me.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"If Only"

This weekend in a Hutong near the drum tower we found a bar.  Not so much a bar as a place that name classic drinks in their kitchen, and called them strange things; If only, If, If I'd never, If you, If me.  This bar was called "Siif."  I think, hope, it was more to be  "See If" as opposed to "The Siff" which I wouldn't wish for anyone to catch in a Hutong.  Nevertheless, I was side tracked, I had an IF ONLY.  I picked it by the name not knowing what was in it.  It was a perfect lemon drop, with a cherry and no sugared rim.  But it was great.  A perfect sunday treat.  It made me think about all the if only's I've had.  If only I'd done this sooner.  If only I was braver.  If only I didn't drink the tequila shots.  The strange hutong hideaway reminded me that IF's are OK.  If i did, if I didn't, if I was, if I wasn't.  I like the if.  If's are never the challenge.  Begin afraid to find out what they entail is. 

Street Food

I would have never in a decade think that I would miss the smell of street food.  Noodles, boiled blood, peanuts, meat of all shapes and sizes on sticks in a broth made of who knows what.  It took some time, but now as I walk down the Hutong Street kitchens I want to eat it all.  As all the faces stare at me, I stare at their food.  What is that?  What's in it?  I'm oddly unafraid of a lot of things, but street food is still scares the heck out of me.  

Sunday, March 8, 2009


This was hands down the best Rickshaw Driver I'd ever seen.  I almost paid him 10 RMB to let me have a hap.  

Saturday, March 7, 2009

More than one Child

I know that I am brilliant and all, but I had to ask.  When the law says you can only have one child, what happens when you find out you are having twins?  The answer...You have twins.  It's just that simple.